If you’re here without having read part 1, I recommend going there first. What I write here will reference it heavily and I think it’ll make more sense with it in mind. Did you ever read Death of a Salesman? Because you should. It’s one of my favorite works of literature and possibly one of […]
Two Worlds, the Future, and You (Part 1)
“There is the world that should be . . . and the world that is. We live in one.” “And must create the other . . . if it is ever to be.” Turn Coat by Jim Butcher In the 11th book of his magnificent Dresden Files series, Jim Butcher has a conversation between two […]
Do What You Love—And Still Work Most Days
We’ve all heard the old adage: “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” It’s a nice thought, right? Following your passion means work is essentially play and if you’re lucky enough to find that thing, then you’re set for life. So, we teach ourselves to quest after some overarching […]